Adaptable Planning Advice for 2012
Date: Thursday, April 26, 2012
Time: 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Location: The Mountain City Club of Chattanooga
Speaker: Charles Douglas

Planning opportunities and flexible/adaptable aspects needed for successful longer term irrevocable trusts. At the core of wealth transfer planning opportunities typically lies a trust and this session focuses on the fiduciary aspects and provisions in having those trust be adaptable to meet the changing economic, legal and familial circumstances.
- Adaptive Postmortem Planning Trusts (Disclaimer, Clayton Marital, One-Lung Marital)
- Spousal Lifetime Access Trusts
- Beneficiary Taxed Grantor Trusts
- Defined Value Clauses
- Powers of Appointment (Special and Decanting)
- The use of Trust Protectors
- Adaptable Trustee and Distribution Provisions to Consider